Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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A Little Learning Discussion

A Little Learning Discussion

Q This assignment has two parts. Part 1 (Due by Friday at 11:59pm): Read the poem below and watch the video then write a discussion post answering the following questions. 1) What is Alexander Pope trying to say with his poem? (please don't google it. Look up the words of the poem and think about it) 2) What is the Dunning Kruger Effect? (be sure to use the phrase cognitive bias in your response) 3) How does the poem relate to the Dunning Kruger Effect? 4) What do both of these suggest about the importance of academic research? Part 2 (Due by Tuesday at 11:59pm): Respond to two other people's posts about the poem and in your responses describe a time you've experienced or seen an example of the Dunning Kruger effect (famous politicians are off limits!). If you can't think of one from person experience, look one up. What does your example illustrate about the importance of expertise and academic research? Don't reuse the same example twice. Here's the poem (Links to an external site.). And here's the video: (Links to an external site.)

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One of the greatest things that a person can learn is how little they truly know. Pope’s poem “A Little Learning” demonstrates the theme that if a person has a small amount of knowledge on a subject and shares that knowledge with someone else, that action can lead to dangerous situations. Pope expresses that for every problem a person solves, there are countless more unsolved problems to follow that can be explored further. A person who simply grazes a subject may have a little knowledge, but there are greater things that can be learned on that subject and you are not an expert.